The workshop/contest REC.uencias pretends to be a calling to anyone that wants to live the experience and enjoyment of filmmaking. In the workshop, teams will be made with the objective of shooting a film sequence or sweded. The concept “sweded” has become popular with the release of the film BE KIND REWIND, directed by Michel Gondry in 2008, and it consists in shooting a film again or a part of it, supplying the lack of technical resources with imagination.
The sequences to be recreated will be selected by the organization, in a way that participants can reinterpret them using their creativity. The result of the filmed REC.uencias will be assessed by experts, designated by the festival’s organization. The workshop will be divided in three sessions: the first one as day for introduction, the second one dedicated to pre-production, and lastly, a shooting day. In addition, on Saturday, March 30th, the awards ceremony will take place after the projection of the REC.uencias.
The workshop will be conducted by Alexis Santos. Alexis was educated as a film producer in the Madrid Film School (ECAM), where he was trained also as a film camera assistant. In addition, he studied cinematography in the Escuela de Artes Visuales (EAV). He has worked as an art director, a stage manager and prop master and has been working in advertising spots and film for 18 years. Moreover, he has directed different short films and has won the Canarias Rueda contest twice.
REC.uencias is aimed to people over 16 years old, specially to students from the audiovisual field. The workshop will be held during March 23rd, 24th and 25th in the Elder Museum of Science and Technology. It will be necessary to previously register in the Festival’s website
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