I assure you that this is a unique occasion. Can you imagine yourselves going on a trip around the world on the back of a dozen of films that question us, challenge us and seduce us? Get comfortable and enjoy the ride. You will discover the paths that current cinema is circulating in, and, if you allow yourselves to get carried away, you will be surprised by what awaits you at the end of the journey. Are you really going to miss it?

Subjected as it is to the festival market oscillations, the LPA Film Festival manges to stay true to itself with a contest that keeps the guidelines that shaped the contest’s profile throughout these two decades. The essential presence of cinema, of Asian cinema. What we call the newest USA. The indispensable touch of that rigorous cinema power (in many ways) that is Portugal.  And a wider and wider niche for Latin-American cinema, where the practice of non-fiction shines, that is another great hallmark of our festival’s programming. Enjoy.
